Why List With Jackie
Why List With Jackie - N Oakland County and Lapeer County Real Estate
Selling Your Home or Vacant Land- N Oakland and Lapeer Counties
Transactions translate into experience. My 30 plus years as a top producing agent equips me with the experience that is even more valuable in today's strange and difficult market. Because of my experience and success I have systems in place that less experienced agents don't. We also have an in-house tech person available, and I work with the tech geeks and social media expert at Hall Financial to help me improve my already successful marketing and keep me updated about changes in the online world.
Directly below I explain in some detail how I market my listings, and closer to the bottom of this page are links to pages with area information.
When you get a chance please check out my resume and blog.
Pricing the home/property is important; I'm not one with the mindset that starting high hurts you in the long run. Everybody has different goals, and there are multiple sales strategies that involve "playing" with the price. Click to my marketing strategy for more details.
I use my knowledge of the area and experience to complete an accurate market evaluation of your home; both what to expect from a buyer and how much it should appraise for. We then go over your goals. Do you want a quick sale? Are you willing to wait a couple extra months to get a higher price? Below is a section about using the price to try to get a higher price. But in the end, you are the one to set both the asking price and sale price. I will advise you, but it is your house and your money, thus your decision.
The Basics- What Should Be Obvious
To start with what should be obvious- I take quality photos, write complete descriptions in the MLS which then pulls to Realtor.com and Zillow. Quality, full color flyers are left at the house for prospective buyers to take, and full color info box flyers left at the road on the sign. You would think this should go without saying, but you wouldn't believe some of the photos and descriptions I've seen. A close up of the door as the primary photo. A 2 sentence description...
Extensive Internet Exposure
Your house will be advertised on the same web sites everybody else's are on- Trulia, Zillow, Realtor.com... Yada yada blah blah.
So you ask: Why is "extensive internet exposure" important if everybody's listings go to the same sites, with the majority of those sites just there to pad viewing stats?
Good question, Grasshopper. There is more to marketing online than picking a few good sites. Your listing should be easy to find by the right people. I optimize my site, my blog, and any ads that allow me to edit and/or optimize them. Again- I go over this in more detail on the marketing page.
Using The Price As A Marketing Tool
One tactic that does NOT work is starting low and hoping for a bidding war to bid the price up. Too many people thought this worked back when foreclosures ruled, but the facts are they started low, bid up but still sold lower than they should have. But there are some tactics some people utilize- I address them on the marketing page, but it is something I like to go over in person with the seller. Every house and market is different, and this is a more house specific tactic.
Targeted Mailing- Both Snail Mail And Email
Targeted mail marketing is more effective then one might think. But the mailing isn't just done willy nilly- there's a plan behind most everything I do, including (especially) targeted mailers. I go over this in more detail on the marketing page, and can get into more specifics after I see your home. Every home is different, and the basics of how I market are about the same for everybody, but I usually need to tweak it a bit to cater to a specific listing.
Selling A Lifestyle
Most people aren't just looking for a place to lay their heads. Most people are also buying a lifestyle- lake buyers usually buy with lake access if they can't afford a lakefront home. Some want to live in horse country. Most areas of N Oakland and Lapeer counties offer unique lifestyle choices.
For a more detailed marketing plan please visit my Marketing page on this site.